One more year of spraying is given the green light!

November 15, 2017 One more year of spraying is given the green light! Lanark County Councillors vote to stop all discussion of roadside spraying until after the election!
Lanark County Public Works requested another year of spraying. This will include spot and boom spraying, depending on their spring audit of wild parsnip plants.  Councillor Keith Kerr, John Fenik, Shaun McLaughlin and John Gemmell voted against.
To our surprise, councillors shut down all discussion of this issue at the county council meeting in November 15 2017. We question whether or not they can do this.
“That the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Vegetation Management Plan and any further discussion of this topic of roadside spraying not be revisited during the term of office.”
Most of the councillors voted for this motion except for Keith Kerr ( who asked for a recorded vote) Louis Antonakos, Jerry Flynn, Jane Torrance and Shaun McLaughlin.