PETITION UPDATE: The Case against Roadside Spraying

Last week we presented the petition with 895 names on it to Lanark county councillors and staff. That is a lot of names collected in only a short period of time!

Please view my presentation that was recently posted. ( March 22, 2017). Mayor McLaughlin asked the Public works staff to report on where the spray program went wrong.

At the same meeting an Adopt A road plan was approved, allowing only insured groups to adopt their section of roadside ( by mowing, pulling with their neighbours) in an attempt to stop spraying in their neighbourhood. The Adopt A Road plan is just not practical for many people in the County. This may also mean that the No Spray signs may be a thing of the past.

The easiest thing to do would be to just abandon the whole idea of spraying altogether. After viewing my presentation, please contact your councillor to tell them just that.

Please be sure to copy County staff:

Name Title Ext. Email
Bill Dobson Warden 1100
Kurt Greaves C.A.O. / Deputy Clerk / Deputy Treasurer 1101
Leslie Drynan Clerk / Deputy C.A.O. 1502
Jennie Bingley Treasurer / Manager of Corporate Services 1320
Mary Kirkham Land Division/Planning Administrator 1520
Marie White Tourism 1530
Terry McCann Director of Public Works 3190
Janet Tysick Business Manager, Public Works 3110
Darwin Nolan Operations Manager, Public Works 3114